Kindy Years
Primary School Years
St. Paul's Years
Epping Boys' Year
Ruse Years
Back to HK 1998
First Year in UNSW
Second Year in UNSW
Back to HK 2000
Third Year in UNSW
Postgraduate Year in UNSW
Sticker Photos
Family Photos
Wanna check out my chick??
Some Thoughts of Mine
My Pets

I used to have so many pets. I had 10 different birds, 1 chicken, at least 3 turtles, and an ant (all kept at different time) when I was in HK. Since I arrived in Sydney, pets aren't allowed anymore because parents don't like the idea that pets can walk around in the house which most areas are carpeted. But then becuase we treated our neighbours' pet cats a bit too nice (eg. whatever we eat, we share with them.) And so in the end, those cats like to stay outside of our house at lunch time and dinner time waiting to be fed and it just seems that as if we own the cats.

This is our pet chicken. We owned it since it hatched from an egg. It was so small and cute then. (I had a photo of its cute look, but dunno where the photo is at the moment.) Whenever you walked, it followed you, that's really funny.

A month later, it has grown to around this size. We played with it very often... and we even slept with it. It is indeed a very nice feeling to be sleeping with a chick... I mean... chicken... because it's so warm... It keeps you warm!!!

Here are some of my pet birds...

And this is one of my turtle... I think this one is the biggest one out of the 3 I had...

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