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ASOC Annual Dinner 2000

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Honkie photo... somehow this looks a bit like a wedding photo of Sze King and Candice... hehe...
From left: Alfred, Mandy, Horace, Louis, Rex, Grace, Candice, Sze King, me, Joey, Kelvin, Kitty and Amanda

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Photo with Louise as well...

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Ruse Photo with a few non-Ruse:
From left: Serena, Sean, Wedgie, Sean, Wallace, Amanda, Kitty, me and Poo Poo...

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A very nice photo of Sean and Serena

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Pity this photo wasn't taken with full body length... it was quite funny then...

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Photo of I, Kitty, Candice and Sze King

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I wonder why Serena was like that... but funny though...
Amanda, Kitty and Serena

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How many people are there in this photo? The answer is 8!! If you look closely at the left hand side, you'll find dark phater (dunno how to spell) which is Wilfred.
From left: Wilfred, Sze King, Candice, Grace, Amanda, Joey, me and Kelvin

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I was meant to be in the photo... except Kitty took too long to take it and I couldn't stay still with my half-stand pose... and that's how this photo become.
From left: Kelvin, Amanda, me, Candice and Sze King

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Sze King and Candice

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Poo Poo and I

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One of my favourite photos from the annual dinner.
Top Row (from left): me and Munda; Bottom Row: Serena, Sean and Wally

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From left: Grace, Kitty, Poo Poo, Sam, me and Rex (all except Poo Poo were involved with ASOC)

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A bigger group photo...

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An even larger group photo...

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A huge group photo!!

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Huge group photo with close-up...

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This is actually from a small part of a photo enlarged.
From left: Kitty, Wally and Amanda

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