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Amanda's 21st Birthday Dinner

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This is sorta the Honkie table. 
From left: Eugenia (she doesn't appear to be happy in all of the photos because she was tired.), Connie, Kitty, Poo Poo =Þ, Eshley, Joey, Antony, Danny, Albert, Amanda, me and Philip

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Pretty much the same as the photo before except Albert was blocked, and Sze King substitued Philip

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Five gorgeous girls: Amanda, Eugenia, Connie, Kitty and Eshley

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From left: Amanda, me, Sze King and Philip

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The Ruse table (not the whole table though) 
From left: Wally, Sean (blocked), Mick, Kaimin, Peiz, Jenny, MCR, Helen, Dennis, Poo Poo blocked, me, Eshley and Amanda

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Top Row (from left): Poo Poo, me, Eshley, Munda, Kitty; Bottom Row: Linus, Peiz, Jenny, MCR, Helen and Dennis

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Same as above but with Grace too!!

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This is actually part of a photo but enlarged... why? Because this is one which Dennis is actually sorta smiling!!

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Helen and Dennis

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Munda and I

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Dennis is huge!!

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Top Row (from left): Poo Poo, Grace, Eshley, me; Bottom Row: Eugenia, Kitty and Amanda

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Pretty funny photo with Kitty, Mel and Wally

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Munda another year older AGAIN... From this photo, I actually wanna talk about the guy with the guitar, he played music all night long but it didn't seem many of the diners were paying attention to him... I felt sorry for him.

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Kitty and Grace

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The Ruse girls photo
Top Row (from left): Jenny, Kitty, Helen and Mel; Bottom Row: Amanda, Grace and Eshley (Sunny was present but didn't want to be in the photo)

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