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Kitty's 19th Birthday Dinner

Kitty's 19th brithday was memorable in lots of ways... both good and bad... The good one was we all had a great night and was out in the city till really late/early in the morning, and that we all had fun making the bottles of stars as a present... one of the biggest birthday resents given out ever... The bad thing is... it was a rainly Black Friday... and unfortunately I had a car crash... which I claimed more than $3000 from my insuance company... oh well... =)

The dinner was held at Blackbird Cafe at Cockle Bay Darling Harbour. And sadly, some of the photos taken on the night didn't turn out too well. After editing some of the photos, here are the more presentable ones... enjoy!!

From left: the birthday girl, Wendy and Sarah

Karrie and Kitty

What a lovely pair (Ben and Taryn) with one horn each!!

Joe, "I'll never let go you ar, Louisa... muah!!"

A good example that girls pay more attention to the camera than guys...

Kelvin and I...

I reckon if this photo is attached with sound file, your sound blaster may have been 'broken' by now due to too much sound output. hehe...

Louis... (with the sleepy look??) and Mandy... together with the birthday girl.

Louisa, "Yum"... Joe, "I want one too!!"

Birthday girl having a share of her birthday cake.

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