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Trip to Melbourne (Day 1)

Just a brief intro: From 7th July 2000 to 9th July 2000, I went to Melbourne along with 10 other friends: Sarah, Timmy, Wendy, Candice, Sze King, Ben, Taryn, Kitty, Louisa and Karen. Even though it was only a 3-day long trip, we travelled to a lot of places and had heapx fun together!! All the time we spent together... on the bus, on the tram, at our apartments, on the beach and so on, every single bit of this trip will be forever fondly memorised... I missed this trip a lot... the 'who am I' game, the chinese whisper, card games, nice chats with a few of the people and lots other things.  I was actually weeping when I went through the trip again in my memory the following morning. I weeped... perhaps because I didn't really want this trip too finish this soon, or perhaps I weeped because I know I'll missing out all the fun same time next year cos I probably won't be allow to go to another trip then, or perhaps because I felt lonely... (refer to my thoughts page for this). Anyway, let's have a look at the photos!!

Wanna see our Sleeping Beauty? Well... Sleeping Wendy is just as good la... hehe... =Þ

The 3 kangaroos... Kittyroo, the real roo, and Tarynroo...

Taken at the Koala Park at Philip Island, can you spot where the koala is?
Top Row (from left): Sarah, Timmy, Sze King, me, Louisa, Ben, Taryn, Karen; Bottom Row: Candice, Kitty and Wendy

From left: Sarah, Louisa and Kitty

Taken with one of my favourite shots: Walked ahead of the crowd then turned around and shot... and this is what I've caught...

Wendy being sucked up by UFO!!

Louisa is soooooo much taller than me!! Argh!!


This is taken at the 2nd last stop at Philip Island before seeing any real penguin.
From left: Sze King, Wendy, Taryn and me

After a tiring day of travelling, all of us still looked as if we have just begun with our trip with smiles on everyone's face!! =)
Top Row (from left): Sze King, me, Timmy; Middle Row: Karen, Candice, Louisa, Ben, Sarah; Bottom Row: Kitty, Wendy, Taryn


To Trip to Melbourne (Day 2 - 1)
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