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Sarah's 21st Birthday Dinner

I guess during my 2 and a half years of uni life, this was the first birthday dinner held during exam periods, and yet, many people turn up... guess that means Sarah is quite important among us la!! Nevertheless, the focus of the night was not fully spotted on Sarah and Timmy... but sometimes on G**** and someone who really likes dog... hehe...

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This and the photo below was actually taken last on the night
From left (go diagonally upward) Sze King, Victor, me, Kelvin, Grace, Kitty, Amanda, Joey, Lucia, Louisa, Joe, Cindy, Sarah, Timmy, Eugenia, Karrie, Julian, Antony, Louise, Horace, Taryn, Ben, Mandy and Louis

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Sarah and I 

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Two girls with long dyed hair, Sarah and Amanda

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Louisa, Sarah and Joe

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Mandy, Sarah and Louis