Kindy Years
Primary School Years
St. Paul's Years
Epping Boys' Year
Ruse Years
Back to HK 1998
Second Year in UNSW
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Third Year in UNSW
Postgraduate Year in UNSW
Sticker Photos
Family Photos
Wanna check out my chick??
Some Thoughts of Mine
Miscellaneous 1999

As the title of this page suggested, this is a page without a theme. I just upload whatever photos that I reckon are interesting or memorable, so here you go.

Joyce's last day at UNSW as a UNSW student.

Boring maths lecture...

The King and I... doh... got it wrong... it's actually Sze King and I.

My very close friends: next to me is Eshley and Kitty.
This photo was actually taken on the actual day of Eshley's 19th birthday, which an ASOC luncheon was held.

My uni friends: (from left) Joanne, Sarah, Timmy, Sze King

This was supposed to be a pretty big group photo, but somehow people just started to 'disappear' after we were ready for the camera and by the moment the photo was actually taken, these were the people who were still there...

The following 4 photos are taken with my long lost primary school friend, Cynthia. Somehow we just found each other through ICQ after losing contact for more than 8 years, she now lives in Melbourne while I live here in Sydney. She visited me in September 1999.

Cynthia1.jpg (28197 bytes)

Cynthia2.jpg (15454 bytes)

Cynthia3.jpg (29703 bytes)

Cynthia4.jpg (85780 bytes)

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